Antares charts

Very Large scale wgs 84 electronic charts

Download printable pdf of current Corrections and Cautions (none currently)


All Cautions and Amendments will be listed here but if significant errors are found in any of our charts we will make replacements available to registered users. For printable versions of each year’s Cautions and Corrections see below.


The following correction and cautions relate to our current 2023 charts (please let us know if/when you find more issues!): 


None yet



The following cautions arose from 2023 surveys that will result in new charts for 2024:


None yet


The 2022 set of charts has been superseded by the 2023 set of 624 charts of more than 600 locations. We recommend that you no longer use the 2022 or earlier sets: many of the 2022 charts have been subject to changes that make continued use of the originals undesirable.


Many of our cautions have led to corrections to UKHO charts but in case you have older official charts the full lists are available below:


For all cautions arising during 2022 tap here


For all cautions arising during 2020-21 tap here


For all cautions arising during 2018-19 tap here


For all cautions arising during 2017 tap here


For all cautions arising during 2016 tap here


For all cautions arising during 2015 tap here


For all cautions arising during 2014 tap here


For all cautions arising during 2013 tap here.


For all cautions arising during 2012 tap here.


NB  Hydrographic surveying and cartography are not precise sciences. There will be errors and misrepresentations on our charts just as there are on others’ charts. Do read the sections on ’Making the charts’, ’Using the charts’ and the ’Conditions’. Take great care at all times but especially if away from the routes described by the pilot books. 



NOTE: This website and material obtained from it are the copyright of Antares Charts © and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without express consent; use of all such material is subject to the disclaimers and conditions posted on this website and which may be changed at any time. For full Conditions tap here.




Corrections & Cautions