Antares charts

Very Large scale wgs 84 electronic charts


We are delighted if you want to give a set of our charts to a friend or relative and we have devised a simple procedure to make it possible without contravening our strict Conditions (which we really do care about) and without causing endless problems!


We ask you NOT to order a set of charts for yourself and then give it away. The Conditions prohibit this for good reason:


· We then have no contact details for the recipient and cannot tell them about any errors

· They may not have seen our website and not fully understand the nature of the charts and how they can be used (this has happened in quite a serious way)


Instead, please order a Gift Voucher, which we will send to you to pass on. The voucher invites its recipient to visit our website and order our charts in the usual way but instead of paying for them they just complete a simple form with contact details and indicate that they have read the Conditions and accept them. We will then send them the download link, DVD or flash drive and confirm to you that we have done so. We are happy to do this for no extra cost. Please enter your name and address on the order page but select an option to cover postage to your intended recipient if applicable, e.g. if you are in the UK but they are overseas.



Order a Gift Voucher




NOTE: This website and material obtained from it are the copyright of Antares Charts © and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without express consent; use of all such material is subject to the disclaimers and conditions posted on this website and which may be changed at any time. For full Conditions click here.