Antares charts

Very Large scale wgs 84 electronic charts

Obtaining the charts


Firstly, we have to ask you to sign up to our communications policy:


We don’t have a marketing activity and so don’t send out masses of emails. The few we do send are important.


We keep a note of your name and email address and have access to your postal address through PayPal. It is not our policy to share these with anyone.


We may contact you by email very occasionally during the two years after your last purchase of our charts:


· For safety reasons if we judge it important that you know of an error in one of our charts (‘Corrections’) or in the official UKHO charts (‘Cautions’)

· To advise you of the availability of new sets of charts, which will include updated or corrected versions of previously published charts that should therefore no longer be used

· To let you know about developments relating to our charts.


We do not expect to be contacting you for ANY reason more than TWO YEARS after your last purchase of charts. You will still have access to Corrections and Cautions on our website.


Contact has, more often than not, been just once a year, at the end of January. 


If you have bought charts but find you don’t use them we will, of course, stop sending you emails if you wish, although it is much easier for both of us if you allow them simply to lapse after two years. If you would like us to stop sooner then just send an email stating that you are no longer using our charts: to continue using them without receiving notification of serious errors is not something we can condone.


AND FINALLY, please don’t stop communicating with us! It is really helpful to be told about any errors you spot (whether serious or not), ideas for future surveys, or other observations or suggestions. We have had some really helpful input in the past and hope that will continue!


Please indicate your acceptance of the above


I accept your communications policy


As the making of the charts is a hobby we regret we are unable to accommodate any variations to this policy.


(A downloadable version of our Communications Policy is available here)

NOTE: This website and material obtained from it are the copyright of Antares Charts © and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without express consent; use of all such material is subject to the disclaimers and conditions posted on this website and which may be changed at any time. For full Conditions click here.