Antares charts

Very Large scale wgs 84 electronic charts

ordering the charts

Almost there!


You now need to decide how and to where you would like the charts delivered:


Buying for someone else? please use our very simple Gift Voucher system - it is all done by email and costs the same. It is in contravention of the ‘Conditions’ to acquire a set of charts yourself and then pass them on to someone else—Gift Vouchers get round this.

Go to Gift Vouchers


Redeeming a gift voucher?                                                             Click here


Buying for yourself? the easiest way to set up the charts on all your devices is to get them onto your PC or Mac first. Do not download them to a mobile device such as tablet (iPad or Android) or smart phone, although we tell you how to set them up there later. You have three delivery options:


· Download—by far the most popular option—the cheapest and quickest! If you have a good broadband connection it will take 10-20 minutes and this seems to be most people’s experience. But if your connection is like ours, at the end of the line out in the country, it may take a couple of hours or more and be best left to download overnight. The full set of charts is about 1.2GB.

Go to Downloads


· DVD sent by post to any address of your choosing. This is the next cheapest option.

Go to DVDs


· USB Memory Stick, sent by post, which you can use for other things later on. This is mainly for those without good broadband and whose PC or Mac doesn’t have a DVD drive.

Go to Memory Sticks


Updating your charts?  As usual, we are happy to send a new set of charts at a reduced price to anyone who already has a set from either of the last two years.  All those eligible should receive an email from us by early February. If you think you are eligible and have not heard from us by then please get in touch. This offer is only available until the end of March in each year—after that you will need to buy a new set of charts using one of the links above.

[If you have changed email addresses you should let us know]

NOTE: This website and material obtained from it are the copyright of Antares Charts © and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without express consent; use of all such material is subject to the disclaimers and conditions posted on this website and which may be changed at any time. For full Conditions click here.