Antares charts

Very Large scale wgs 84 electronic charts

Areas for which Antares Charts are available. For printable lists see links below.


Chart locations

NOTE: This website and material obtained from it are the copyright of Antares Charts © and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without express consent; use of all such material is subject to the disclaimers and conditions posted on this website and which may be changed at any time. For full Conditions Tap here.


If you would like to suggest a location for a survey we have not yet done please contact us to let us know. We much prefer to produce charts that we know at least someone wants!

Charts cover widely differing areas; some whole bays or lochs and others just small areas that we think are interesting. We do not survey areas we think are adequately covered by published UKHO charts. For examples see Home or tap here.  Each chart has a general description, directions and tides.


We expect more will follow: please email us with your suggestions.


Chart names

We have chosen these to try to give an indication of the general area as well as the specific location. Edition numbers change every time there is there is any modification to the surveyed area or a significant change to the background part of the chart. Changes to the surveyed area include corrections, expansion of coverage and more detailed coverage.



Chart numbers refer to latitude  - e.g. number 5537A is to be found at 55 degrees 37 minutes north and the ‘A’ implies that it is the first chart we made at that latitude whilst ‘B’ would be the second, etc. The charts are therefore listed from south to north. Charts with a ‘W’ suffix are in the Outer Isles; those with a ’Y’ are in the Clyde area; those with an ‘XL’ are at an extra-large scale with additional colouring for drying areas and those with an ’S’ are special charts with additional contours.



Status is as follows:

N = New for 2022

E = extended coverage

M = Modified with relatively minor changes since 2020

S = significant changes

U = unchanged since 2020

For a printable pdf of the 2023 Chart List tap here

For the 2023 Chart List in a spreadsheet tap here

With separate tabs for New Charts and for Extended or Modified Charts

For 2023 Selector Charts (eg for viewing in a photo viewer app) tap here

(selector charts are included in the full chart set)

NOTE: This website and material obtained from it are the copyright of Antares Charts © and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without express consent; use of all such material is subject to the disclaimers and conditions posted on this website and which may be changed at any time. For full Conditions Tap here.

For a printable pdf of the 2023 Selector Charts  (not currently available)

(Kindly produced by one of our subscribers)