Antares charts |
Very Large scale wgs 84 electronic charts |
ordering the charts |
The price is £20 for a new set, £9 for an update to your 2020 or 2022 charts or free if you have bought a set of 2022 charts since the start of October. This is a non profit-making hobby—what we charge contributes towards our costs.
You must first decide which navigating software or app you wish to use to run the charts.
We recommend Memory-Map for All (MMfA), available for all platforms, as we like the user interface and as you can also buy the 850 ‘Marine’ charts (effectively UKHO charts) for the UK and Ireland for £25 (annual licence) along with Ordnance Survey walking maps, etc.
Memory-Map for All:
New! We strongly recommend downloading direct to Memory-Map for All apps on each of your devices. This optimises ease of use..
For other options:
BSB version of our charts for software/apps such as OpenCPN, SeaClear, Polar Navy or Marine Navigator. There are many such options and we don’t offer detailed guidance but instructions tend to come with the software/apps (but may not!).
Google Earth: Those buying our charts in Memory-Map or BSB format will be able also to download our charts in KMZ format for viewing in Google Earth on a PC or Mac (not a mobile device) with a good internet connection, typically at home. See Google Earth setting up guide.
Updating your charts? As usual, if you wish to update charts bought in the last two years we are happy to offer a new set at a reduced price. Just follow the links for buying a new set and select the ‘update’ option when you are asked to pay.
Gift vouchers. With our streamlined automated download arrangements we can no longer offer gift vouchers. We apologise to those who have used them but remind everyone that it is in contravention of our Conditions to buy charts for anyone other than yourself.
[If you have changed email address you should let us know]
NOTE: This website and material obtained from it are the copyright of Antares Charts © and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without express consent; use of all such material is subject to the disclaimers and conditions posted on this website and which may be changed at any time. For full Conditions Tap here. |